North Shore Maritime Lawyer

by , under Maritime Law

What topics are covered by maritime law


North Shore boatMaritime law for one of the less familiar aspects of law yet is surprisingly broad-reaching, especially for a sea–faring nation like New Zealand. It deals with issues that occur offshore, or relating to sea-going vessels. In Auckland, The City of Sails, maritime law has quite an impact with so many people owning boats, as well as the bigger commercial aspects of shipping. The issues covered by maritime law, can surprise many people, and below are a few of the legal issues that you might want to find a North Shore maritime lawyer for help.


Passenger Transport

Passenger transport as covered by maritime law mainly deals with the liability in the marine passenger transport, the passenger contracts, which is inclusive of the international passenger law on the passenger contact and the safety issues that relate to marine passenger transport. The safety issues in passenger transport are also stacked with an extra component, which deals with the registration of persons on the board passenger’s ship. Passenger transport is significant, and this is in ensuring that everything transport related, occurring offshore is bound in the law.



The environment is a vital factor with regards to maritime law. With more people becoming aware of their impact on the sea, and sea-life, environmental issues that might be considered in this legislation include ship paint, fuel spills, unlawful waste dumping, and others which mainly affects the life of the many sea creatures, and fishing stocks. At this point, there must be a better consideration of anti-fouling systems. Further, from this environmental issue, there include ballast water management, wreck removal, port reception facilities, and ship recycling, dismantling, and may more.



Another important aspect of maritime law, concerns security and safety. This is a huge range of topics covering adherence weather conditions and warnings, taking heed of sea creatures, protecting the safety of passengers, and vessels. This topic mainly specialises on the issues such as classification societies, marine equipment, port state control, search and rescue (SAR), protection of oil tankers, and the safety of life at sea (SOLAS).


Navigation skills or Negligence

North Shore Maritime LawyerA common issue at sea is negligence on behalf of other sailors. If there is an accident, who is to blame? The answer to this will affect any insurance payments, which n the case of even a modest boat, is likely to be many thousands of dollars.


If you have any legal issues in regards to boats, boating, or any other topics, be sure to look for a good North Shore maritime lawyer. One you might want to consider is McVeagh Fleming. You can find more details on their website.